How to Fix It If Windows 11 Update Broke My Computer

Windows 11 update troubleshoot,Windows 11 update broke computer

If a Windows 11 update has caused issues with your computer, there are several steps you can take to try to fix the problem:

01. Restart Your Computer:

Sometimes a simple restart can resolve issues caused by updates.

02. Boot into Safe Mode

Restart your computer and press F8 or Shift + F8 during boot to enter Safe Mode. From there, you can try to uninstall recent updates that might be causing the problem.

03. System Restore

If you have System Restore enabled and a restore point created before the update, you can use it to revert your system to a previous state.

04. Use Startup Repair

Windows has built-in startup repair tools that can help fix boot problems. You can access them by booting from a Windows installation media and choosing the Repair option.

05. Check for Known Issues

Check online forums and support sites to see if others are experiencing similar issues and if there are any recommended solutions or workarounds.

06. Update Drivers

Make sure your drivers are up to date, especially for critical components like graphics cards, network adapters, and storage controllers.

07. Roll Back Updates

In some cases, you can uninstall the problematic update by going to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > View update history > Uninstall updates.

08. Use Command Prompt

You can use Command Prompt to run various repair commands, such as sfc /scannow to check and repair system files, or DISM commands to repair the Windows image

09. Perform a System Reset or Refresh

This option will reinstall Windows while keeping your personal files intact. Go to Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Reset this PC

Remember to back up your important files before attempting any major fixes, as some solutions might result in data loss.

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